
Hey there. I am a devops engineer, developer and system administrator, eternal student, doer, sartorialist?, singer?, occasionally depressed, mostly confident, almost polyglot.

Para compatriotas:

E aí. Sou engenheiro devops, desenvolvedor e administrador de sistemas, estudante eterno, fazedor, sartorialista?, cantor?, ocasionalmente deprimido, na maioria das vezes confiante, quase um poliglota.

More Information

I hate Linux, but it’s better than Windows.

I love OpenBSD, but it is unusable.

DevOps is fresh air in sulfur poisoned atmosphere.

Simplicity is divine-like in music, programming… everything, isn’t?

Everybody hates and misunderstands Haskell, but secretly love it’s benefits… only if they knew it…

Powerlifting strengthens more the mind than the body.

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